Betsy Curry is a director with ScottMadden’s corporate & shared services practice. She joined the firm in 2014 and has been an active leader and participant in the human capital management community of practice (CoP), Working Parents and Caregivers Employee Resource Group (ERG), higher education community of interest (CoI), and internal firm initiatives. Emulating traditional project work, she played an integral role in the recent restructuring of ScottMadden’s performance management and launching the firm’s new contact management system (CRM) and financial system (ERP). In addition to this involvement, Betsy is a leader in change management with an industry focus in higher education. Prior to joining ScottMadden, Betsy earned a B.S. in marketing and entrepreneurship from the University of South Carolina and an M.B.A. from the Terry School of Business at the University of Georgia.
Making an Impact
Following graduation from the University of South Carolina, Betsy moved to Paraguay to join the Peace Corps. For two years, she served as an economic development volunteer in the rural community of Segunda Linea Chachi. There she was asked to assist an agricultural cooperative, working extensively with farmers to improve the sanitation, packaging, and distribution of their crops. To breakdown culturally based gender barriers, Betsy created a women’s entrepreneurial group, which focused on creating economic opportunity for the community. Through this group, Betsy helped the women generate business plans, request funding from municipalities, and develop the required skills to perform the work. Following her two years as a volunteer, Betsy became a Peace Corps volunteer coordinator. In this role, she was responsible for visiting volunteer sites, placing volunteers in communities, delivering volunteer trainings, and training the communities on how best to collaborate with American volunteers.
While in Paraguay, Betsy thoroughly enjoyed full cultural immersion, mastering the Spanish language and traveling across South America. Through these experiences, she developed an understanding of the Paraguayan way of life: work to survive and spend the remaining time living, value friends, family, and community, and find happiness outside of material possessions. Today, Betsy strives to live her life similarly.
It’s no coincidence that Betsy met her husband Greg, who shares similar passions, during her time abroad. While facilitating a summer camp in a nearby community, the two connected and have been happily together ever since!
Tasting Adventure
Outside of work, Betsy, Greg, and their two daughters enjoy fusing together their great passions in life: sustainability, healthy living, and baking. Ardent bakers, they have developed a knack for making healthy versions of traditionally unhealthy sweets. Betsy views baking as a way to engage with family, friends, colleagues and even strangers; everyone loves homemade baked goods and Betsy loves to deliver. In a perfect world, she would travel the world, sample food, and learn to cook using local techniques and ingredients. Further down her bucket list, Betsy hopes to see the Seven Wonders of the World by the age of 50. She is well on her way with photos from the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, the Roman Colosseum, and the Christ the Redeemer Statue to prove it! Apart from the modern world wonders, Betsy and Greg have enjoyed snorkeling with penguins in Ecuador and hiking deep within the Bolivian jungle.
Living Sustainably
As a child, Betsy dreamed of being an environmentalist, and as a consultant today, her passions are just as evident. As an individual, Betsy owns energy efficient appliances and vehicles, composts fruit and vegetable scraps, recycles everything, and still carpools with her husband. The two even shared a single car for an extended period of time. Within ScottMadden, Betsy is involved in the clean tech & sustainability CoP. She finds it incredibly rewarding that her values so closely align with those of ScottMadden, and she appreciates the flexibility ScottMadden provides through its CoP structure. This structure allows her to be involved in sustainability work, though her primary focuses fall within the corporate & shared services practice. Betsy brings experiences from her prior role with the Department of Energy in energy efficiency. She also has an environmental ethics certificate from the University of Georgia, which she received while pursuing her M.B.A.
Shaping Our Firm
Around the Raleigh office, Betsy is known for her wit and engaging energy. She values authenticity and frequently encourages consultants with “just be yourself, this is what makes life interesting!” Further, Betsy believes attitude and a willingness to dive into even the most challenging of tasks will generate success. She reminds younger consultants to “know your skill set and let those around you know where and when you may need help.” And if you need help, Betsy is a resource to help you learn, grow, and develop.