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NXT GEN® Training



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The videos below describe 4 key benefits of the NXT GEN® Training approach.

The Challenge: Going Beyond Classroom Theory

Current training is often ineffective for today’s workforce. We have seen the following common challenges:

  • Content created for training is often presentation-based
  • Technical subjects are often taught with theoretical methods
  • Over-reliance on instructor-led training (ILT) to establish fundamental knowledge
  • Testing and knowledge checks do not validate that the learner fully understands the material; often questions are academic and do not force the learner to apply the training to specific situations
  • Continuing training through on-the-job training (OJT) lacks standardization since each supervisor or work leader interprets standards and procedures and provides their best judgment when training their crew
  • Workforce training is not aligned with standard programs, procedures, and work instructions
  • Methods to deliver training are time-consuming and expensive
  • Just-in-time training is rarely delivered well or through integrated technology solutions
  • Staff training is often ineffective for today’s energy workforce development

There’s a New Way to Train Your Workforce

ScottMadden integrates multiple technologies and platforms to deliver consistent results at a reduced cost. NXT GEN training engages real employees on the job, performing real work: whether in a bucket truck or down in a crawl space. Together, we will bring your workforce training program to life by going beyond classroom theory and showing workers how to work in the field given real circumstances. This method of learning is often part of your daily life already.

Drivers for Training Modernization

In the energy workforce development space, we have seen five primary drivers for training modernization: improved supervisor effectiveness, reduced costs, improved knowledge transfer, reduced safety risk, and reduced rework.

Drivers for Training Modernization

A New Perspective on Training

NXT GEN uses a unique process to modernize training.

A new training perspective
What Our Clients Are Saying:

“This media approach is much more effective for communicating this information. Procedures and PowerPoint slides just aren’t as effective.” –Generation Operator “I think we have a very good product for LOTO training. The audio and video are clear, the quizzes are appropriate as a knowledge check and the overall package is professional.” –Enterprise LOTO SME “We’ve been struggling to move the needle when it comes to safety, and this moves the needle.” –Transmission Director “You took something we struggled with and made it easy.” –Health and Safety Manager “This is cool. It’s like a YouTube video. This makes a lot of sense.” –Natural Gas Pipeline Inspector

NXT GEN Benefits

Our process includes a site visit to capture field-based scenarios, such as OSHA-mandated Lock-Out-Tag-Out (LOTO) courses, Confined Space training, or Human Performance applications. Regardless of the chosen scenarios, together we capture content from real employees performing real jobs. The NXT GEN process also includes a comprehensive, cross-functional client review to ensure the content aligns with standards and resonates with learners.

Modular – Content can be focused on specific tools or tasks allowing reference material beyond training applications – safety briefings, operational (job briefs), and work package references
Scalable – Content captured for NXT GEN CBTs can be used as the basis for future Mixed Reality (XR) training applications
Easily Deployable – NXT GEN CBTs can be rapidly deployed
Standardized – Training content sets standard expectations which reduces the risk of potentially inconsistent standards set by supervisors and crew leads often found with on-the-job training (OJT) or apprentice approach
Digital – The content and delivery approach is tailored to a new generation of workers who have different skills, norms, and expectations. Employees are familiar with digital tools and training methods outside of work settings and are demanding more innovative approaches to training

“NXT GEN Training makes things easy. Everything is just clear and easy to follow. Our team uses it in the field, the classroom…all over the place.”

Sample NXT GEN Training Use Cases

NXT GEN Training has been used to train thousands of industry professionals across the energy sector, including generation, nuclear, transmission, distribution, natural gas, and other critical infrastructure businesses.

Our Workforce Training Solutions and Services

We help develop a training modernization strategy and partner with our clients to implement the solution.

Training Modernization Strategy

We can help you develop a business case and strategy for training modernization and prioritize topics best suited for transformation.

e-Learning Development

We can help build enhanced computer-based training and other structured modules that provide traceable training records.

Micro-Learning Videos

We team with your SMEs to prepare short, focused video-based training that can be viewed on-demand or in series. These can be referenced from field tools or stored in a digital library.

Virtual Walkthroughs

We help you map out a virtual tour of your facility to use as a learning or operational guide. We define use cases upfront to ensure all relevant detail is captured.

Let’s Work Together

We don’t solve problems with canned methodologies. We help you solve the right problem in the right way. Our experience ensures that the solution works for you.

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