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Transmission and Interconnection Summit

ScottMadden is a proud exhibitor at the 2023 Transmission & Interconnection Summit, taking place from June 12-14, 2023.

Tony Gonzalez, Director at ScottMadden, will moderate a panel discussion titled “Increasing the Pace of Interconnection in Regulated Markets: Lessons Being Learned in the Southeast and West,” at 4:00 pm on June 12th.

The panel will explore the following questions:

  • What are the major changes to previous interconnection processes and queue management?
  • Where do the proposals stand in gaining state and federal regulatory approvals?
  • How well has the change to cluster studies helped reduce the system upgrade cost for individual projects and assisted in providing more cost certainty for project pipelines as a whole?
  • What tweaks and adjustments could prove beneficial?
  • Could adopting these types of reforms help resolve queue issues and interconnection costs in MISO, SPP, and other markets?

In addition, Stephen Haubrich, Director at ScottMadden, will serve as a panelist on the discussion titled “Proactive/Strategic Transmission Planning to Support the Clean Energy Transition,” at 9:00 am on June 13th.

To arrange a meeting with one of our experts on-site, please contact us.