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Navigating Lead Time Deterioration in Electric Utilities


In today’s rapidly changing market, supply chain resilience has become a cornerstone of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. For electric utilities, where the delivery of critical components like transformers directly impacts service levels, managing lead times is not just strategic—it’s essential. Lead time deterioration, characterized by the increasing time from order placement to delivery, presents a twofold challenge for supply chain organizations: unintended reductions in delivered service level to the business and complications in capital project delivery. ScottMadden stands at the forefront of addressing these challenges with innovative solutions tailored to enhance system reliability and project efficiency.


Understanding the Challenge

Lead time deterioration can have severe implications for electric utilities. An increase from the standard three to six months to an alarming 12 to 30 months for transformer orders, as highlighted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2023 analysis, underscores a critical issue.



This extension not only disrupts the typical project planning and delivery timelines but also poses a risk of service level degradation. Without systematic adjustments to system reorder points, utilities may face severe consequences, including compromised reliability, project delays, and increased regulatory scrutiny.



Strategic Solutions for a Changing Landscape

At ScottMadden, we recognize the complexity of these challenges and offer a suite of solutions designed to mitigate risk and optimize performance. Our SpareLogic Service Level Setting Solution employs advanced statistical analysis and artificial intelligence to refine service level settings across all spare parts inventories. This proactive approach ensures that service levels are maintained even as external conditions fluctuate.


Furthermore, our OptiStock Inventory Optimization Solution leverages usage patterns and service level requirements to set appropriate reorder points for every stocked item. By aligning inventory management strategies with actual demand and lead time realities, we help utilities avoid overstocking or stockouts, ensuring that critical components are available when needed.


Lastly, the LeadAhead Planner is an innovative tool designed to capture SKU-level demand at the earliest possible stage of the project lifecycle. This foresight allows for more accurate planning and resource allocation, reducing the risk associated with extended lead times and ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget.


Moving Forward with Confidence

The landscape of regulated electric utilities is increasingly complex, with lead time deterioration posing significant risks to service delivery and capital project success. ScottMadden’s targeted solutions offer a way forward, enabling utilities to navigate these challenges with confidence. By adopting a systematic approach to reorder points and leveraging advanced tools like SpareLogic, OptiStock, and LeadAhead Planner, utilities can enhance their resilience, maintain high service levels, and deliver projects successfully, despite the uncertainties of extended lead times.


In embracing these solutions, supply chain executives in the electric utility sector can secure a competitive advantage, ensuring their operations are robust enough to withstand the challenges of today’s dynamic market environment.

Let’s Work Together

We don’t solve problems with canned methodologies. We help you solve the right problem in the right way. Our experience ensures that the solution works for you.

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