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Infocast 2024: Transmission & Interconnection Summit


Transform your organization to keep pace with demand.

ScottMadden has worked with transmission and distribution companies for more than 40 years. We have helped various types of companies—from integrated utilities to cooperatives to independent transmission start-ups—plan, build, and optimize their internal organizations and processes. As the grid has evolved to meet new challenges, ScottMadden has partnered with our clients to plan, build, and operate the grid of the future.

ScottMadden’s Offerings

  • Strategic Planning: Gaining alignment among leadership as to the strategic issues, diagnosing those issues, and developing the course of action and tangible roadmap to address
  • Capital Planning: Advising on strategic investments, including planning, executing, and monitoring
  • Business Planning: Aligning department goals with corporate strategy, focusing managers on key success factors and desired results, and establishing a framework for evaluating performance
  • Cost Management: Assessing the cost performance of your assets to identify efficiencies and implement improvement initiatives
  • Performance Benchmarking: Assessing your plants’ performance against peers in the industry to identify improvement opportunities
  • Organizational Structuring and Staffing: Determining and implementing the best organizational structure and staffing to support your operations
  • Plant Improvement or Turnaround: Revitalizing operations to meet and exceed performance benchmarks
  • Management of Plant Retirements: Planning and implementing the retirement of assets to ensure continued reliability and enable the transition of staff

Find ScottMadden at Infocast

  • Jason Payton will be presenting Dealing with Supply Chain Issues for Transmission Projects Thursday, June 27, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Ryan Arrieta will be moderating MISO Queue Reform as a Blueprint for Meeting and Exceeding Order No. 2023 Reforms Nationwide Tuesday, June 25, 11:00 am – noon

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Let’s Work Together

We don’t solve problems with canned methodologies. We help you solve the right problem in the right way. Our experience ensures that the solution works for you.

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