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Customized Leadership and Board Surveys

Customized leadership and board surveys involve developing and administering surveys tailored to the company’s specific needs to gather input from senior management and the board. These surveys, which often follow executive and board interviews as these discussions inform the survey topics, are designed to collect information that prioritizes strategic issues, quantifies the significance of improvement opportunities, and provides additional insights to inform strategic planning. This is another way that we ensure the resulting strategic direction is well-aligned with the priorities and concerns of key decision-makers.


  • Importance – Customized leadership and board surveys are crucial for several reasons:
    • Targeted insights: This survey allows for the collection of specific, targeted feedback from senior leaders and board members on key strategic issues and priorities.
    • Efficiency: Surveys provide a time-efficient method for gathering input from a larger group of stakeholders, complementing the insights gained through in-depth interviews.
    • Quantitative data: Well-designed surveys can provide quantitative data that can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and areas of consensus or disagreement.
    • Inclusive process: By engaging senior leaders and board members through surveys, companies can ensure all leaders share their essential perspectives.
  • How We Do It – Our team of experienced strategy consultants follows a rigorous process for developing and administering customized leadership and board surveys:
    • Needs assessment: We work closely with your company to understand your specific strategic planning needs, priorities, and goals.
    • Survey design: Based on the needs assessment, we developed a customized survey instrument that includes a mix of closed-ended and open-ended questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.
    • Administration: We administer the survey to your senior leaders and board members using a secure, online platform that ensures confidentiality and ease of use.
    • Data analysis: Our team analyzes the survey data using advanced statistical techniques to identify key trends, patterns, and insights.
    • Reporting: We prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the survey findings and their implications for the strategic planning process.
  • Output and Results – The customized leadership and board surveys will result in the following work products:
    • Survey findings report: We deliver a detailed report presenting the key findings from the survey, including quantitative data (e.g., response frequencies, and average ratings) and qualitative insights (e.g., themes from open-ended responses).
    • Strategic priorities assessment: We conduct an analysis of senior leadership and board alignment regarding the company’s strategic priorities and areas of focus.
    • Opportunity identification: We synthesize survey findings to highlight potential strategic opportunities and areas for further exploration during the strategic planning process.
    •  Executive presentation: We produce a summary presentation of the survey findings and implications, delivered to your company’s leadership team and board of directors.


Through customized leadership and board surveys, your company will gain targeted, quantitative insights into the priorities and perspectives of key decision-makers, ensuring that your strategic planning process is well-informed and aligned with the needs of your organization.

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