The growth of the Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEV) is creating an opportunity for forward-thinking utilities to leverage their size and scale and deploy PEV charging infrastructure to support load growth, extend customer engagement, and grow the PEV market. This...
In order to transform the organization, one must first understand it. Many companies today are aggressively trying to transform their organization, seeking to improve organizational performance by changing behavior and capabilities, consolidating transactional...
The concept of the digital power plant has been receiving a lot of attention and calls for an assessment of what it really means and what the maturing technologies have to offer power generation companies. At the December 2017 POWERGEN Conference, Mitsubishi Hitachi...
For more than a decade, nuclear operators have faced an uphill battle to compete with low natural gas prices and increasing renewable generation. Plants have been focused on reducing operating expenses to manage costs and compete in bid-based and regulated markets. As...
While renewable energy has experienced significant growth, in part due to focused policies that promote wind and solar, nuclear has faced a wave of actual and announced early retirements. To understand this potential loss of a significant amount of carbon-free...