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ScottMadden’s HR Competency Builder

ScottMadden’s HR Competency Builder

Assess and Develop Your HR Talent to Become a True Business Partner Your executives are expecting HR to play a broader, more strategic role than in the past. Even if you have changed your model to meet these demands, it is important that you also align employees with...
ScottMadden’s SSO Accelerator – Taking SSO to the Next Level

ScottMadden’s SSO Accelerator – Taking SSO to the Next Level

Take your Shared Services Organization (SSO) to the next level with ScottMadden’s SSO Accelerator, a unique set of tools and guidance. SSO Accelerator is a program developed by ScottMadden to evaluate existing SSOs or those that are planning to launch shared...
Scenario Planning for Workplace Strategies

Scenario Planning for Workplace Strategies

Eighteen months after COVID-19 forced workforce disruptions to most utilities, leaders are facing new challenges that may last even longer. The assumption was that once vaccination rates climbed there would be a return to the office and a return to normal. The...