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NERC Compliance and Organization Structure

NERC Compliance and Organization Structure

As fines continue to pile up and FERC exercises ever increasing oversight of NERC compliance, utilities are focusing more and more on how best to organize NERC compliance efforts. The manner in which this effort is organized and managed can facilitate or hinder a...
Navigating Shared Services with ScottMadden

Navigating Shared Services with ScottMadden

If you are about to lead your company into the world of shared services, or if you have already embarked on that journey, you’ve probably discovered that it is more than just a three-hour tour. Incorporating shared services into your company means more than just...
Materiality Assessments for Electric Utilities

Materiality Assessments for Electric Utilities

With 78% of the S&P 500 now publishing sustainability reports, non-financial reporting is becoming essential for companies looking to manage risk and capture opportunities in a changing business environment.[1] The widespread adoption of reporting on...