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Lessons Learned from Hawaii: Bold Visions Require New Paradigms

Lessons Learned from Hawaii: Bold Visions Require New Paradigms

April 2020 Edition of Public Utilities Fortnightly Magazine ScottMadden recently joined the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) in a fact-finding mission to the Aloha State—Hawaii—to uncover how the state hopes to achieve its ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy...
Managing Your Shared Services Operations during Disruption

Managing Your Shared Services Operations during Disruption

How HR Shared Services Can Help You Handle the Next Crisis The Impact of a Pandemic While the experts are learning more and more each day, no one can say with certainty when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. What is likely, however, is there will be lasting impact on...
Impacts of Distributed Energy Resources on T&D Organizations

Impacts of Distributed Energy Resources on T&D Organizations

As a leader of your transmission and distribution (T&D) organization within vertically integrated or “wires-only” utilities, you face sweeping change. Pressing challenges, such as decreasing load, increasing distributed energy resources, aging infrastructure,...