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Four Keys to Leveraging Data to Support Diversity & Inclusion

Four Keys to Leveraging Data to Support Diversity & Inclusion

Over the past few years, diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives have moved from basic compliance reporting to business-critical strategies that unlock workforce potential and deepen the connection with customers. Keep in mind that D&I encompasses a wide...
FERC Announced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

FERC Announced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

It appears the rules that implement the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) are destined for their most significant change in nearly 40 years. When passed in 1978, as the United States was in the throes of an energy crisis, PURPA sought to...
Ethically Deploying People Analytics

Ethically Deploying People Analytics

HR professionals hold the “keys to the kingdom” when it comes to employee data and must always keep in mind the saying, “with great power comes great responsibility.” People analytics, as defined in our article, “Demystifying People Analytics,” is the practice of...
Facing Disruption Like We Have Never Experienced It Before

Facing Disruption Like We Have Never Experienced It Before

We’ve talked for decades about disruption in the electric and gas industries. We’ve faced “unprecedented challenges,” existential threats, fundamental policy changes, exponential technology growth, extreme weather events, and a changing mix of customer preferences and...
Diving Deeper into RN Turnover

Diving Deeper into RN Turnover

A Use Case for People Analytics in Healthcare   Healthcare systems continue to face a multitude of challenges related to their registered nurse (RN) population, including a growing demand, increasing turnover rates, and high replacement costs. In fact, the...