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Achieving Sustainable Cost Savings: A Seven-Step Blueprint

Achieving Sustainable Cost Savings: A Seven-Step Blueprint

Slower economic growth coupled with inflation and rising interest rates has resulted in cost pressures across multiple industries. Many companies have witnessed their costs increase in the face of revenue challenges, creating an unsustainable environment. In response,...
Resource Adequacy – Time for a New Approach

Resource Adequacy – Time for a New Approach

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Christie recently noted: “The United States is heading for a reliability crisis…. Dispatchable generating resources are retiring far too quickly and in quantities that threaten our ability to keep the lights...
Utility Themes: Strategies and Spending

Utility Themes: Strategies and Spending

As of this writing, we are well over three years beyond the initial shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilities have been dealing with post-COVID whipsaw effects of higher prices, higher interest rates, and evolving objectives. During and before the pandemic—from 2019...