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Blockchain: An Introduction for Executives

Blockchain: An Introduction for Executives

The world is growing more decentralized, in large part due to the transformative power of the internet. While originally thought to be isolated to use cases such as email and news media, the internet laid the foundation for unprecedented, multi-billion dollar...
A Survey of the Generation Landscape

A Survey of the Generation Landscape

ScottMadden joined industry leaders as a sponsor and presenter at Infocast’s 19th Annual Transmission Summit. Here, a partner at ScottMadden, reviewed the generation landscape and the impacts of the Clean Power Plan. Click here to learn...
2020 Corporate Responsibility Report

2020 Corporate Responsibility Report

A Message from Our CEO: Twelve months ago, at the time of our first Corporate Responsibility Report, we had just started understanding how to function in a COVID-19 world. Today, we are still operating in a very different world and in a very different way than we did...
2021 Corporate Responsibility Report

2021 Corporate Responsibility Report

A Message from our CEO: This note marks our third Corporate Responsibility Report. Our firm has adapted successfully to a changing business landscape. Our core values remain intact as we move deeper into 2022 and we remain committed and focused on Environmental,...
2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

2019 Corporate Responsibility Report

A Message from Our CEO: At the time of this letter, the world is experiencing unprecedented events with the COVID-19 pandemic and widespread denouncement of racial injustice. Among its many profound impacts, this changing landscape has challenged many organizations to...