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Assessing the Employee Lifecycle for Academics


A nonprofit academic healthcare organization is not fully leveraging the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for tracking and reporting the employment details for their academic population, including staff physicians, faculty, associated (network) physicians research staff, and postdoctoral students.


  • Coordinate the key stakeholders required to seek buy-in and alignment through recurring discussions and working sessions
  • Document and validate current state processes (end-to-end) for enterprise alignment, including associated technologies and integrated systems
  • Recommend data and processes to migrate into ERP system based on process documentation and validation outputs


  • This assessment led to the recommendation to include the academic population in the enterprise cloud-based technology, driving towards:
    • One accessible location for academic employees
    • Organized and reportable data across the employee lifecycle
    • Innate integrations across supporting technologies
  • Anticipated outcomes based on the implementation of the recommendations include:
    • More seamless onboarding process for academic employees
    • Reduction in time required to fill positions and onboard new academic employees
    • Optimization of enterprise resources

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