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Employee Spotlight: Adam Perry

Employee Spotlight

Adam Perry is a director with ScottMadden and has been with the firm since 2016. He is an integral member of the firm’s Rates & Regulation practice with energy industry experience related to demand forecasting, cost of capital, regulatory proceedings, and expert testimony. Adam is also a member of both the Rates & Regulation and Natural Gas internal CoPs. He holds a B.S. in economics from Northeastern University.

Up At Bat

Adam Perry grew up in Acton, Massachusetts, where his childhood was a blend of small-town living and youthful adventure. From a young age, he was surrounded by a close-knit group of friends that stayed together throughout elementary and high school. Adam harbored a deep love of baseball—whether he was on the field or watching the Red Sox, the sport held a special place in his life. Most summers, he and his family would go on road trips that would include stops at major league baseball games—a tradition that not only fortified his passion for the sport but also instilled in him a lifelong passion for exploration.

When Adam wasn’t engaged with his friends or playing baseball, he displayed a knack for creativity and was drawn to comics like “The Far Side” and “Non Sequitur.” He created his own comic strips and even dabbled in web design to host his comics online. During his junior year of high school, Adam’s website attracted the attention of a fellow classmate, Jessica, who would later become his wife.

Rounding the Bases

After high school, Adam followed in his father’s footsteps and attended Northeastern University. There, he was able to play on the school’s first club baseball team and was quick to make a new set of friends. The university’s co-op program also played a crucial role in helping Adam explore his interests. His first two placements ranged from managing databases and earning the title of “sweepstakes manager” at a travel company to real estate consulting. Along the way, he discovered the joy in working with Excel and building models and the value of being part of a team. By the time Adam arrived at his third placement, an energy consulting firm, he finally found a job that not only married his interests and values but also allowed him to truly see his place in the work and how he fit into the larger project.

After graduating, Adam set off to Marlborough, Massachusetts, where he accepted a full-time position with the company in which he had his final co-op placement. A few years later, he left to join a startup called Sussex Economic Advisors. At Sussex, Adam carved out a niche for himself in demand forecasting, becoming an expert witness in the field. In 2016, ScottMadden acquired Sussex, and Adam became a part of the Westborough-based ScottMadden family where his expertise helped build the Rates & Regulation practice area. Today, he has worked for many large utilities and has grown his expertise to include areas such as return on equity analyses, expert witness in regulatory proceedings for utilities, and more across the energy industry.

Coming Home

Outside of work, Adam enjoys spending time with family. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Jessica, and they have three children. His oldest, Akiva, named with a nod to Jewish heritage, is into video games and Nerf guns. Azaela, the middle child, loves gymnastics, while his youngest, Maeve, is all about princesses and unicorns.

Adam also remains an avid enthusiast of road trips and movie nights. For the past 15 years, he has hosted an all-day movie marathon in his converted garage-turned theater. Complete with a 150-inch screen and plenty of seating, this is one of his favorite events of the year, bringing together friends from college, high school, and beyond.

Looking ahead, Adam plans to keep his cherished childhood traditions rolling with plenty of future road trips with his children and his annual movie marathons. His advice to younger consultants at ScottMadden is to always ask questions and understand the “why” behind a task. He continues to foster this with the new northeastern co-op interns that enter the Framingham office each year, hoping to provide them a meaningful ScottMadden experience.

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