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Transforming HR Service Delivery in Professional Services

HR Function Efficiency

Sustained 1% growth in HR shared services supporting 20% organization growth

Time Saving

Reduced transactional activities in HR function by 9%

Clarity in Roles and Responsibilities

Used data from work activity analyses to document responsibilities and find opportunities for efficiencies


A professional services company amidst a large transformation effort was seeking to improve service delivery, clarify roles and responsibilities, increase efficiency in processes, and ensure the business was operating in an efficient, responsive, and cost-efficient manner. The organization leveraged the work activity assessment three times in their transformation journey to identify areas of inefficiency, determine effectiveness of changes that had been implemented, and understand future opportunities to help guide their functional roadmap.


  • Employed ScottMadden’s proprietary survey tool to conduct a work activity assessment of the HR function to determine who performs what activities and the level of effort (FTEs) employed to complete that work​
  • Provided analysis of opportunities based on leading practices and benchmarks​
  • Partnered with client on implementing recommendations, including standing up a multifunction service center
  • Conducted work activity assessment again with the HR function to assess what had changed and improved based on prior recommendations


  • Provided year-over-year analysis of how the function was continuing to progress, as well as recommendations for a longer-term roadmap
  • One percent growth in the HR function and HR shared services teams over two years while the organization grew by 20 percent
  • Nine percent decrease in transactional activities in the HR function

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