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Materiality Assessments for Electric Utilities

Materiality Assessments for Electric Utilities

With 78% of the S&P 500 now publishing sustainability reports, non-financial reporting is becoming essential for companies looking to manage risk and capture opportunities in a changing business environment.[1] The widespread adoption of reporting on...
Mining Bitcoin with Nuclear Power

Mining Bitcoin with Nuclear Power

Uses for Surplus Power and Diversifying Revenue Cryptocurrency mining is profitable when the cost of the primary production resource needed to mine it is low. Electricity accounts for upwards of 80% of total O&M spending in a typical-mining operation. For this...
Managing Your Shared Services Operations during Disruption

Managing Your Shared Services Operations during Disruption

How HR Shared Services Can Help You Handle the Next Crisis The Impact of a Pandemic While the experts are learning more and more each day, no one can say with certainty when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. What is likely, however, is there will be lasting impact on...