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Facilitated Strategy Sessions

Facilitated strategy sessions involve conducting structured meetings with key stakeholders to discuss and align on strategic priorities, goals, and initiatives. These sessions are designed to foster open communication, collaboration, and consensus-building among participants, ensuring that the resulting strategic plan reflects the collective wisdom and expertise of the organization.


  • Importance – Facilitated strategy sessions are essential for several reasons:
    • Alignment and consensus: By bringing together key stakeholders from across the organization, facilitated strategy sessions help build alignment and consensus around the company’s strategic direction, priorities, and goals.
    • Collective wisdom: Facilitated strategy sessions tap into participants’ collective knowledge and insights, ensuring the resulting strategy is informed by a diverse range of perspectives and expertise.
    • Engagement and ownership: By engaging key stakeholders, facilitated strategy sessions foster engagement and ownership in the resulting plan, increasing the likelihood of successful implementation.
    • Focused discussion: Facilitated strategy sessions provide a structured, focused forum for discussing and debating strategic issues, ensuring that the conversation remains on track and productive.
  • How We Do It – Our team of experienced strategy consultants employs a comprehensive approach to facilitated strategy sessions:
    • Session design: We work closely with your company to understand your specific objectives and customize an agenda for the strategy sessions that will maximize productivity and effectiveness.
    • Stakeholder engagement: We engage key stakeholders before the sessions to gather input and perspectives and to ensure that all relevant voices and viewpoints are represented in the discussion.
    • Pre-work and materials: We distribute pre-work materials to participants, helping them prepare for the sessions and ensuring everyone comes ready to engage in a productive discussion.
    • Facilitation: Our experts guide the strategy sessions, providing an external expert perspective while ensuring that the conversation remains focused and productive and that all participants have the opportunity to contribute and be heard.
    • Documentation and follow-up: We document the key outcomes and decisions from the strategy sessions and work with your team to develop clear next steps and action plans for moving forward.
  • Output and Results – The facilitated strategy sessions deliver the following work products:
    • Strategic priorities and goals: We deliver a clear, concise statement of the company’s strategic priorities and goals, developed through the collective input and consensus of key stakeholders.
    • Strategic initiatives: We produce a set of specific, actionable initiatives designed to support the achievement of the company’s strategic priorities and goals with clear ownership and timelines.
    • Implementation roadmap: We create a detailed roadmap for implementing the strategic initiatives, including key milestones, resources, and metrics for tracking progress and success.
    • Session documentation: We provide comprehensive documentation of the strategy sessions, including agenda, materials, participant list, and key outcomes and decisions.


By leveraging our facilitated strategy session capabilities, your company can bring together key stakeholders to collaboratively shape and align on your strategic direction, priorities, and initiatives, laying the foundation for successful strategy execution and achieving your long-term goals.

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