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Leading Practice Assessments

Leading practice assessments involve identifying and evaluating the most effective and efficient practices in the industry for potential adoption by the company. This process goes beyond traditional benchmarking by focusing on the specific practices that drive superior performance and assessing their potential applicability and impact within the context of the company’s unique business model and strategic objectives.


  • Importance – Leading practice assessments are essential for several reasons:
    • Identifying proven strategies: By studying the practices of industry leaders and high-performing companies, leading practice assessments help identify proven strategies and approaches that have been successful in driving superior performance.
    • Enhancing competitiveness: Adopting leading practices can help companies enhance their competitiveness by improving efficiency, effectiveness, and other key performance dimensions.
    • Accelerating improvement: By leveraging the experience and expertise of industry leaders, companies can accelerate their improvement efforts and avoid common pitfalls and challenges.
    • Fostering innovation: Leading practice assessments help companies identify emerging trends and practices that help them stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge in their industry.
  • How We Do It – Our team of experts employs a comprehensive approach to leading practice assessments:
    • Practice identification: We work closely with your company to identify the areas most relevant and critical to your business, such as operational processes, customer engagement, talent management, or technology adoption.
    • Data collection: We gather detailed information on practices employed by industry leaders using a combination of our direct observations, secondary research, and expert interviews.
    • Practice evaluation: We evaluate each identified practice based on its proven impact, applicability to your company’s specific context, and alignment with your strategic objectives and culture.
    • Adaptation and implementation planning: For the practices that are deemed most relevant and valuable, we work with your team to develop detailed plans for adapting and implementing them within your organization.
  • Output and Results – A leading practice assessment can deliver the following work products:
    • Leading practice report: We prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the key findings and insights from the assessment, including detailed profiles of the identified leading practices, their impact and applicability to your company, and recommendations for adaptation and implementation.
    • Implementation roadmaps: We create roadmaps for implementing the applicable leading practices, including specific actions, timelines, resources, and metrics for tracking progress.
    • Leading practice case studies: We share case studies from high-performing companies that have successfully implemented leading practices, providing valuable insights and lessons learned.
    • Customized training and support: We provide customized training and support for your team to help them understand, adapt, and implement the selected practices within your organization.
    • Executive presentation: We produce a summary presentation of the leading practice assessment findings and recommendations for your company’s leadership team.


By leveraging our leading practice assessment capabilities, your company can better understand the relationship between its actions and performance and tap into the proven practices of industry leaders to accelerate your improvement efforts and enhance your competitiveness and performance.

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